Designing a Better Chicago 2025

Chicago Eco House/Southside Blooms, 2022 Grant Recipient


2025 Design Impact & Built Environment Grants

Nominations are due Friday, February 21, 2025

The Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events (DCASE), NeoCon, Richard H. Driehaus Foundation, and the Design Museum of Chicago are thrilled to announce the fifth year of Designing a Better Chicago. This program elevates the visibility of Chicago’s design legacy, assets, talent and community, creates healthy urban environments, and supports civic good through design.


Two Distinct Grants

In 2025, the program will host two awards: 1) the NeoCon: Design Impact Award, recognizing individuals or organizations using design for civic good and related programming in Chicago and 2) the Richard H. Driehaus Foundation: Built Environment Award, supporting leaders working to bring significant long-term impacts to Chicago communities and neighborhoods.

Design Impact Grant Mission

The purpose of the NeoCon: Design Impact grant is to provide annual, project-specific grants to individuals and organizations using design or design principles to directly address pressing issues in Chicago communities by improving public life. Awardees will benefit Chicago residents through projects intended for the greater good.

Built Environment Grant Mission

The purpose of the Richard H. Driehaus Foundation: Built Environment grant is to prioritize preserving Chicago's historic architecture and protecting its parks and open spaces. Awardees celebrate and preserve the unique character of its neighborhood design or design principles to directly address pressing issues in Chicago communities.

Grant amounts will be between $10,000 and $25,000. In 2025, Designing a Better Chicago will award $50,000 in sum total — $25,000 in the Design Impact category, and an additional $25,000 in the Built Environment category. We anticipate awarding 2–4 grants based on the quality of applications.

There will be one single application for both grant programs. Nominees will be asked to self-identify in the appropriate grant program to give the advisory committee a sense of the nominee’s intent, but all projects will be considered for both grants.



Step 1: Nomination

We are looking for people who are designing a better Chicago in one of two categories: Design Impact & Built Environment. Nominations are required for this invitation-only program. You may nominate yourself, a peer, friend, or mentor — anyone that lives or works in the City of Chicago. 

Step 2: Letter of Intent
An Advisory Committee which includes experts in design, art, business, and civic ventures will review nominations and invite approximately 50 nominees to submit a Letter of Intent (LOI). Guidelines for the LOIs will be shared with nominees upon notification. 

Step 3: Full application
Approximately 25 nominees will be invited to submit full applications. Applications will be shared with nominees upon notification. Winners will be selected by the Advisory committee in late Spring 2025.


Grant guidelines

Individuals and non-profit organizations that live or work in the City of Chicago are eligible nominees for this program. Read the full guidelines here.


Nominations due: February 21, 2025 (by 11:59pm)
Invitations to submit Letter of Intent: February 28, 2025
Letters of Intent due: March 19, 2025 (by 11:59pm)
Invitations to submit full application: April 1, 2025
Applications due: April 22, 2025 (by 11:59pm)
Award notification: Week of May 12, 2025


Questions? Please contact us at

Lauren Boegen