Virtual Cooking Demo with The Chopping Block
Join The Chopping Block for a virtual cooking demonstration class via Zoom.
Join The Chopping Block for a virtual cooking demonstration class via Zoom.
First opening its doors in 1946 in Toyko, Japan, Risograph finds its roots in mimeograph technology. The machine is designed to create a master on wax-like paper, almost like a stencil, and stamp it onto the pages, creating a “live ink” look. The machine uses soy-based ink and can offset print runs of hundreds at 150 pages per minute.
Writing has a long and storied history. Since the genesis of human communication, it has served as both function and visual expression. To this day, it is one of the most basic ways in which we brand and present ourselves to others. Though modern technology has dramatically changed our style of communication, the handwritten letter still serves as an honest, purposeful, and authentic way of connecting with other humans.
Color is one of the most powerful visual tools a designer can use to communicate. It influences our perception of space, shapes and moods, and embodies diverse meanings across cultures. Deborah Sussman’s work was intensely focused on the interaction of color, especially as it relates to our perceptions of space in both two-dimensional graphics and three-dimensional environments.