MAS Context | Presenting Edith Farnsworth
DMoC, 72 E Randolph
Tues, Feb 11, 6:00–8:00pm
DMoC, 72 E Randolph
Tues, Feb 11, 6:00–8:00pm
Wednesday December 4th, 2024, 3–7:30pm
Harold Washington Library
Wednesday November 20th, 2024, 6–9:30pm
Zachary A Studio, 4900 N Elston Ave
Thurs, October 24, 2024, 5–6:30pm
Wild Mile, 905 W Eastman
Tues, March 26, 2024, 2pm–3:30pm
Morningstar, 22 W Washington
Join us on HeyGo for a virtual tour of our newest exhibition, Free + Open Chicago.
We’ll be taking a behind the scenes look and walkthrough of the exhibition with our Executive Director, Tanner Woodford.
Savor two of Chicago’s greatest assets—architecture and beer—on a walking tour of Loop architecture led by Dr. Jonathan Mekinda, assistant professor in the Department of Art History and the School of Design at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
Escape the daily grind and discover inspiration with this private experience of Edgar Miller‘s Glasner Studio. The Glasner Studio (1928) is Edgar Miller’s masterpiece of art, design, and architecture, incorporating Miller’s woodwork, metalwork, mosaics, stained glass, and more. Part of a private enclave in Chicago’s Old Town, Glasner Studio is a brilliant amalgam of arts and crafts, art deco, and early modernist styles and building techniques.
Please join us for an exclusive Lost Arts and ChiDM member tour of Parsons & Charlesworth: Spectacular Vernacular, led by designers Jessica Charlesworth and Tim Parsons!
The Chicago Public Library offers a lot more than books. Discover the cutting-edge technology that CPL makes available to Chicago residents for free at its downtown Maker Lab.
You’ll be able to check out their collection that includes 3D printers, laser cutters, a milling machine, a vinyl cutter and more.
> This event has ended.
> Learn more: Unfolded: Made with Paper
The museum is closed until June 30th, 2020.
While distancing we are planning virtual events, moving our exhibitions online, and publishing student design projects. Take care of yourself!