Letters Beyond Form: Catalog Release Party
Thur, April 3, 2024, 4–7:00pm
DMoC, 72 E Randolph
Thur, April 3, 2024, 4–7:00pm
DMoC, 72 E Randolph
Fri, November 8, 2024, 5–9:00pm
DMoC, 72 E Randolph
Fri, October 11, 2024, 4–7:00pm
DMoC, 72 E Randolph
Weds, September 18, 2024, 3:00–7:30p
Harold Washington Library Center, 400 S State
Thursday, September 12, 2024, 4–7:00pm
DMoC, 72 E Randolph
Fri, Aug 2, 2024, 5–8:00pm
DMoC, 72 E Randolph
Sat, July 27, 2024, 10:00am–3:00pm
Navy Pier, Polk Bros Park, 600 E Grand
Thurs, July 25, 2024, 7–9:00pm
Pretty Cool, 2353 N California
Friday, July 12, 2024, 5–8:00pm
DMoC, 72 E Randolph
Tues, June 11, 2024, 6–9:00pm
Secrist Beach, 1801 W Hubbard
Thurs, May 9, 2024, 6–9:00pm
DMoC, 72 E Randolph
Thurs, April 25, 2024, 4–8:00pm
DMoC, 72 E Randolph
Sat, September 9, 2023, 10am–3:00pm
Navy Pier, Polk Bros Park, 600 E Grand
Sun, August 20, 2023, 10:00a–1:00p
DMoC, 72 E Randolph
Apr 29, 2023, 3–6pm
DMoC, 72 E Randolph
March 28, 2023, 4:30–6:30pm
Design Museum of Chicago, 72 E Randolph Street
An exhibition about the intersection of sound and design from the Design Museum of Chicago. Celebrate with us and meet some of the artists.
Join us as we celebrate the closing of A Designed Life at Expo 72!
Please join us for our annual fundraiser centered around themes of opportunity, optimism, and collaboration!
Please join us at the annual 50,000feet Open House on December 6 for an evening of food, drink and art. As one of the Design Museum’s founding sponsors, 50,000feet shares our commitment to supporting arts and culture and stewarding an ongoing dialogue around creativity and design.
Celebrate the opening of Setting the Stage with us and enjoy beverages and snacks, check out the exhibition, and rub shoulders with other Chicagoans who enjoy theatre as much as you do.
Bring down the lights with the Design Museum of Chicago from 5:30-730pm on Tuesday, September 24th in the penthouse at 900 West Washington Boulevard.
The On Art Run returns to Chicago! Join On at the intersection of art and running for a day of charity and celebration at the Design Museum of Chicago at Expo 72.
Come prepared to enjoy artwork and hear music from Chicago’s talented youth, and draw a self-portrait which will be integrated into the exhibition.
Come prepared to enjoy artwork and hear music from Chicago’s talented youth, and draw a self-portrait which will be integrated into the exhibition.
Come celebrate and take a first look at prints by international artists celebrating the culture and history of bicycles! Chain Reaction was curated by Colossal in partnership with the Design Museum of Chicago.
Learn about our mission, while you enjoy an evening of sweeping skyline views, music by the Jason Seed Stringtet, extraordinary food from Chef Gloria Hafer of the Culinary Arts Program of After School Matters, an engaging auction, and exceptional company and cocktails.
Help us perpetuate the cycle…of fun! Celebrate the opening of Keep Moving: Designing Chicago’s Bicycle Culture with an evening at Expo 72!
Join Chicago Design Museum, the Chicago Loop Alliance Foundation, and the Terra Foundation for American Art at the launch celebration for The Shape of Chicago: John Massey’s 1968 Banners Revisited.
Come celebrate the Great Ideas project’s first installation in the ChiDM gallery and the work of designers and artists from around the world.
Join us at Lost Arts for the opening party of Great Ideas of Humanity: One of a Series. Cocktails provided by Stolen Rum. Secure your spot and get tickets via Eventbrite.